NHK SPRING (THAILAND) aims to be a parts manufacturer which can quickly respond to all of our customers' needs. Therefore, we consider working from the beginning to the end of production and testing, or the complete production process, as very important.
      In 1980, we set up a Design and Development Department at the Seat & Interior Division and have sent our Thai engineers to learn higher level design skills in Japan. Now, the entire production process from design and development to production and testing are carried out in this division.
      Our Precision Spring Division is also involved in the complete production process. "Kanagata" is a special die for HDD covers which was difficult to produce in Thailand. We stepped up to the challenge and sent our engineers to be trained in Japan. As a result, we have been designing and producing some of our dies since 1999.
      In addition, we play an important role in the worldwide business tactics of NHK SPRING group. Our Suspension Spring Division set up the Design and Laboratory section in 2003. Here, we have a 24 hour network to link us with NHK SPRING in Japan and other group companies in the USA. We can share technical data on suspension products used in car models destined for the world market.
      By developing this complete production process within the company, we strive to serve more of our customers with satisfaction.

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