Basic knowledge of 7 Dojo
Basic knowledge of 7 Dojo is a core curriculum that educates all employees with the same important and basic
knowledge. This unique curriculum is produced and imparted by our internal specialists through action learning, simulation,
and production line demonstration, and is based on over 50 years of manufacturing industry experience. Employees can gain practical skills, information, analysis,
and solutions through Dojo, which includes:

1. TPS Dojo educates the highest quality, lowest cost, and shortest lead time production method based
on Just-In-Time management, Jidoka, and other tools such as Kanban.

2. Quality Dojo educates quality, role, and responsibility awareness in order to get high-quality products and analyze
problems by using 3GEN & 4M tools and systematic solutions.

3. Cost Dojo educates production cost structure and type, and also cost control and cost reduction awareness.

4. IFC Dojo educates the new model production control method and responsibility awareness.

5. Safety Dojo educates safety regulations, how to utilize safety equipment, and how to analyze and solve accident factors.

6. TPM Dojo educates a general overview of TPM, basic AM activities, equipment maintenance, and how to use the Visual Control & Check sheet.

7. 5S Dojo educates 5S principles and standards of NHK Spring and how to implement them in the workplace.